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Flounder gigging - 5 video


Flounder gigging can be done by wading stealthily in shallow water, but it is usually done from a flounder boat. A flounder boat is specifically designed for gigging flounder. It typically has a flat, wide bottom to provide a stable platform and the ability to negotiate shallow waters. Flounder vessels are navigated with a push-pole along the banks and flats where flounder may be lying. A battery powers light arrays for viewing the flat fish.
This method is effective in shallow, clear water where fish are easily observable from the top. The temporarily blind fish are speared with the gig, or sometimes can be collected by hand. During fishing events, an experienced person holds a lamp in the hand and points out fish for other people to collect.

Flounder Run is the best time for gigging.

I always say if it's a legal take then good going. We have a lot of people fuss about keeping sails from the pier, but for a shorebound angler it may be the one and only time they will ever catch one. Of course gigging can never come close to feeling that thunk-thunk-deadweight that you feel when a certified throw rug just ate your grub!

first time flounder gigging:

Great video, flounder is good to eat! Caught from an off-shore boat, but never have tried gigging!

Nice boat and awesome video!

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